Increase Revenue By Improving Systems

Did you know that operations efficiency and tightening up systems can boost census growth and profit margin? Here's how...

How Can an Organizational Assessment Increase Revenue and Improve Profit Margins?

Sometimes, when we’re so engrained in an environment, it can be impossible to see the forest for the trees. We’re unable to see the big picture because we are laser-focused on the details, and ensuring things stay running. Does this feel familiar? Wondering how you can gain some context about your agency's standing in the industry? 

An organizational assessment provides an objective analysis of all areas of an agency or organization's operations and lays out an in-depth action plan for moving forward based on Lean healthcare effectiveness and efficiency. You may discover multiple operating processes that are clunky, slow, and cost you precious time and money - as well as creating frustration for you and your team.

A high-level organizational assessment provides a comprehensive evaluation of all areas of your business. This should include operations, clinical, revenue, productivity and utilization, and more. Assessing subsections under each major component is key. Make sure to evaluate your staffing, compliance, quality, and marketing tactics. Don’t leave any stone unturned to ensure you get an exhaustive overview of your operation’s current health and identify potential opportunities to improve.

An objective external look at your day-to-day processes and systems brings new ideas for streamlining any size operations. If you've been in the thick of the day-to-day needs of your agencies, you may be missing alternative approaches and solutions that could drastically improve your organization's health and profitability. Reviewing utilization metrics and monitoring rates for labor costs, indirect costs, supplies, equipment, and other ancillary services provided, reveals areas that can save your agency a significant amount immediately when corrected.

Hart Healthcare Solutions helps organizations conduct these assessments to get a more accurate picture of their operational processes and efficiencies.

But this isn't just to point out where you should make changes. We provide actionable recommendations for each area will be provided and ranked for implementation priority. The process is highly collaborative, and we focus on the specific needs that you have identified. We don’t offer blanket solutions, but tailored, practical plans to address consistent themes or concerns.

A detailed summary report compiles all of the information that we have gathered from the assessment. Inside you’ll find an easy-to-use roadmap that will set you up for long-term, ongoing success. If the idea of implementing the action plan has you looking like a deer in headlights, we can help with that too. We’ll even take the cost of your assessment off of your implementation cost.

As Certified Lean Healthcare Professionals, we understand that in order to scale your organization, you need efficient, practical processes in place. 

Curious as to how we make our plans? We confidently back up our assessment with metrics and data to make sure you understand the "why" behind our solutions. You can rest easy when thinking about regulatory standards; as Certified CHAP and ACHC Consultants, we ensure processes are compliant for successful future surveys.

Our Rapid Growth Assessment for Post-Acute Care Providers stands up to its name. We know that you don’t want to wait for months to see results, you’re ready to up your game now. We’re confident that you’ll see results in 60 days or less. Investing in a Rapid Growth Assessment for Post-Acute Care Providers sets the stage for operational growth and increased revenue and improved profit margins. 

If you’re ready to talk strategy, book a complimentary introductory call to find out how we can help you with your revenue and census growth with creative, innovative recommendations.

Categories: : Operational Excellence